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  • Writer's pictureDr. Leilani Sharpe

I really love this quote

I really love this quote. I first saw it in a hospital conference room, and this picture has been on my phone ever since.

I love it because it encapsulates an idea that I have to introduce to patients daily.

Patients will express a very understandable frustration at how challenging it can be to navigate mental health issues.

Part of my role is to remind them that progress is being made, even if it is not fast or easy to accomplish.

That's what matters: Progress

Yes, we can help you figure out what is going on.

Yes, we can help you find improvement in your medication regimen.

Yes, we can help you with psychotherapeutic skills to address the issues you struggle with.

Let's take small daily, weekly, and monthly steps together. It will not always be easy, but it's amazing what can be accomplished over time.


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