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  • Writer's pictureDr. Leilani Sharpe

New Series: Innovations in Psychiatry

So far on the blog we've covered introductions to psychotherapy, psychiatric clinics, emergency psychiatry, psychiatric hospitalization, and even dipped a bit into the various psychiatric subspecialties.

I've been pondering how I could introduce general information about psychiatric medications and procedures to the educational blog for several months, and I think I've settled on an approach that will be helpful.

Over the next several weeks I'll be covering major discoveries in psychiatry. Each post will be about how a certain discovery changed the way we think about psychiatric illness and the way psychiatrists approach patients. An incredible amount has happened in psychiatry in the last 100 years, and it should be a very fun review of key moments.

My caveat is that these posts will take a little more elbow work to put together, so they might be uploaded twice a week instead of three times a week. What can I say? Quality over quantity, when it comes to teaching.

Please comment below if there are any innovations you are curious to see discussed. I'll see what I can do!


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