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  • Writer's pictureDr. Leilani Sharpe

The Toy Toolkit: Dolls

Updated: Aug 19, 2021

Dr. Leilani Sharpe is a child psychiatrist in Santa Monica, California

Honestly, I used to find dolls really creepy! They never quite look like a kid, a teen, or an adult. I just didn't get them.

But over the years, I've just accepted that children ADORE dolls. As long as there is something around that they identify with.

The key is diversity in your dolls. You don't know how a kid sees themselves in their story, and it's always super educational to see what they gravitate towards.

What story do they tell?

Who do they want to be?

How does their character act in their story?

Kids will often act out their feelings with a doll they identify with, and watch to see how I interact with the dolls to learn what kind of person I am. Play as therapy. Play therapy. Lol, we should spend some time on that too eventually.

Is there a doll out there that you think represents stories that aren't often told? I'm always on the lookout for new toys for the toolkit!

-Leilani M. Sharpe, M.D., Ph.D. #ChildPsychiatry


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